Meet Erika

Hello, and I am so glad you are here. Thank you for coming here to learn more about my journey to serve you and always, The Divine. I take the role of the Medium very seriously. To communicate evidential messages is my purpose, to facilitate healing is my intention and to do this communication with love is my truth.

Here is a little bit of my story.

Since I was a young girl, I was always one of the sensitive ones. Emotionally and spiritually, I could feel the weight of people or places, often not knowing what was happening inside of me as I picked up energy or feelings that were not my own. As I grew older, I realized that this was a special gift or ability, called empathy- being able to feel the individual or collective energy of others or places. 

As I grew older, empathy turned into a new ability—intuition. I was able to receive direct messages about other people, or myself—sometimes these messages were urgent, or powerful—and usually very accurate. This sense of intuition and understanding called to me, and though I didn’t fully understand it yet, I realized that it was my path. This path led me down the journey of becoming a healer. I became a Reiki master healer, an energy healer and ultimately a professional acupuncturist and registered nurse. I have spent two decades, 20 years as an intuitive and healer.

Again, over time these layers of being a healer deepened. And through my journey of becoming a mother, where my ability to love changed me into a whole new person; new intuitive abilities developed. A few years ago, after experiencing deep trauma and grief, something shifted inside of me. A new awareness became unveiled, and a new understanding and perception occurred. I found myself with the ability to see, hear and feel energy in a completely different way.  I realized that I had the ability to communicate with loved ones who have left their physical bodies and crossed into the Spirit realm; I realized that I was a medium.

“Know what sparks the light in you so that you, in your own way can illuminate the world.” —Oprah Winfrey

  • “I had an amazing session with Erika. She was so accurate with all of her messages and I felt a deep connection to my loved one through our time. It was a true gift to have this reading.”

    Stephanie I.

  • “Wow! Just wow.”

    James W.

  • “Erika gave me a fantastic and evidential mediumship reading. I appreciated her compassionate and gentle approach, which helped me receive messages from a loved one who had recently passed in a traumatic way. I walked away with a strong sense of peace and healing.”

    Julie D.